Sometimes little things can make the biggest difference

Public schools in Lebanon have been systematically rejecting Syrians and it is getting worse. Last year, many of our families were forced to enroll their children in semi-public schools after the rejection of their inscription in publics schools. So that their children could continue their education, families decided to fall into debt to cover the costs of schooling.

150$ a year in a semi-public school doesn’t seem like much but when the minimum wage in the country is 25$, then it becomes quite a heavy burden.

Education is the only way to break the cycle of poverty and that is why it has always been our priority. Since 2019, Lebanon has been implementing discriminatory policies that have hampered the fulfillment of basic human rights for the refugee and migrant communities in Lebanon. This year, most of our families have been communicated that their children won’t be able to continue their education in public schools. The lack of access to education increases the risks of children engaging in child work and child marriage and, faced with such a severe problem, we need a fast and and effective solution. Our students are going to go to school next year, at any cost.

This September, we want our 100 schooled children to continue their education in semi-private schools and we are 15,000$ away from achieving it.

Help us ensure the educational rights of our children! Any kind of support, even the tiniest one, can make a difference in our students' lives. You can also help us by becoming a teamer and donating 1 euro a month!