Arabic Classes

Ahla w sahla - اهلا وسهلا


Learn Levantine Arabic from native speakers and help vulnerable communities thrive. By learning with us you will be creating a positive impact. How? At 26 Letters, we empower locals facing adversity to become exceptional Arabic teachers.

If you are tired of wasting hours learning an Arabic that is not really used on the streets. If you can’t stand anymore boring texts and exercises that have been used since the beginning of time. If you are looking for interactive, fun and up-to-date classes, don’t despair ‘cause you have just found the right place.

"I genuinely cannot imagine a better place or way to learn Arabic. The teachers, the materials, the chosen way of teaching, the pace at which we learn, the dynamic of the classes and just everything that surrounds the learning process is unbeatable.”

- Clara Vidal, student.

“After 4 years trying to learn Levantine Arabic with 2 different teachers and an online group class, this has been the first time that I truly feel like I am learning, and what's more important, understanding the language. I am really glad I decided to learn with 26 Letters!”

- Azahara Canizares, student.

You will encounter two types of teachers in our program: Head teachers, experienced Syrian teachers in need of support and students; and oral-support teachers, Syrian youngsters that found a way out of abusive and underpaid labour by working as teachers.

Our courses are based on the immersion approach for language acquisition. This means that the only language you will hear and use during the course is Arabic. This will help you improve your comprehension and vocabulary building in the long run while bringing your pronunciation closer to a natural-sounding Arabic.

Our intensive Arabic courses are based on a self-developed curriculum that focuses on day-to-day interactions with the local community. The curriculum has been built with the main purpose of ensuring the rapid acquisition of language fluency, offering the possibility of building conversations from the very first moment.

Our books are not a senseless dictionary, they are based on conversations and in the application of expressions in every possible context.


Online-based groups have a maximum of 5 people, while groups learning in Beirut have a maximum of 8 students. You can create your own group or ask 26 Letters to assign you to one with your same level. The group as a whole decides the schedule and number of classes per week so they can make it as intensive as they want! All levels available.

3 hours a week

  • Standard price: 210 EUR/month

  • Volunteers discounted price: 140 EUR/month

5 hours a week

  • Standard price: 350 EUR/month

  • Volunteers discounted price: 240 EUR/month

7 hours a week

  • Standard price: 490 EUR/month

  • Volunteers discounted price: 330 EUR/month


Learn at your own pace and choose your own schedule. Classes can be in-person or online. All levels available.

Standard price: 30 EUR/hour

Package deal: 420 EUR for 16 hours of private lessons a month


An in-depth language training that allows students to jump a whole level in just a month. Each 1st of the month we open a new intensive course with all levels available, so make sure you register before the start of the month! Online-based groups have a maximum of 4 people, while groups learning in Beirut have a maximum of 8-10 students. There is no minimum of students enrolled to open a group, so you may find yourself taking a private intensive course if more students do not enroll that month! The intensive course provides you with 5 hours of Arabic lessons per day, from Monday to Friday.

Group price: 1500 EUR per monthly course - Volunteers discounted price: 1300 EUR per monthly course

Private price: 1750 EUR per monthly course - Volunteers discounted price: 1550 EUR per monthly course

* Volunteer discount for onsite volunteers.

*The monthly price refers to 4 weeks of classes.



    Receive a weekly newsletter with content suited to your level. A perfect way to practice your Arabic when you are short on time.

  • Follow Anna on Instagram

    Join the story of Anna and learn Arabic with her – perfect for beginners. Advanced learners, stay tuned as Anna progresses!



    Receive daily voice notes and audios and help families who can’t leave their homes due to fear of deportation.

Want to learn Arabic but dream of studying in a charming small village in the Bekaa Valley? We’ve got you covered! Our partners at Wadi alFikr offer the same high-quality materials and teaching methods, just in a different, picturesque setting.

Get in touch :)

You are welcome to contact us if you want to enroll in our arabic classes or if you have any questions!