All we want for Christmas is food.


This month we leave behind a difficult year. A year in which many of our families have lost their work. A year in which they lost their homes for being unable to pay rent. A year in which their access to hospitals has been restricted to one single day a week. A year in which their children have not been accepted into public schools. A year without being able to afford the most basic things. A year of violence. A year in total darkness, without electricity.


This month we want to bring Christmas to Lebanon. Because after such a difficult year, the very least that our families deserve is a good plate of food on Christmas.

Our objectives:


To distribute 'Super Boxes' with food, hygiene products, baby products and medicine for 450 families. A total of 2529 people.

Currently, more than 75% of Lebanon’s population lives below the poverty line. Food prices have increased by a 400% and salaries have lost an 80% of their value. As a consequence, families have had to reduce the number of meals a day.


Light up our centre. It is complicated to teach when your student can't even see the book in front of them. This year, we have had to resort to sellotaping our phones to the wall with the flash turned on. But the phones need to be charged, which without consistent electricity is more difficult. The solution? A battery that we can charge when we have electricity and use when the electricity cuts out.

Help us this Christmas to give some respite to our families and to give light to our educational centre. Because in 26 Letters all we want for Christmas is food.


What can you do to help out?

Help us reach our goal. 16.000 euros can ensure that 450 families have enough food for a whole month. You can do a single donation that will go in full to our families or you can also help us by sponsoring a family every month. HELP US BRING CHRISTMAS TO LEBANON THIS YEAR!

You can also support us by donating 1 Euro a month.

Get in touch!